Professeur honorifique de l’Université Howard (Washington DC) ainsi que de l’Université de Tokyo, il a participé à l’écriture de l’Histoire générale de l’Afrique sous l’hospice de l’Unesco et a publié de nombreux ouvrages sur l’histoire de l’empire mandingue dont Soundjata ou l’Epopée Mandingue en 1960. Egalement auteur de pièces de théâtre, il a connu la prison sous Sekou Toure et a vécu en exil au Sénégal dans les années 1970.
Source Wikipedia. Djibril Tamsir Niane is a historian, playwright, and short story writer born January 9, 1932 in Conakry, Guinea. His secondary education was in Senegal and his degree from the University of Bordeaux. He is an honorary professor of Howard University and the University of Tokyo. He is noted for introducing the story of Sundiata to the Western world in 1960 by translating the story told to him by griot Djeli Mamoudou Kouyate. He also edited the UNESCO General History of Africa and did other UNESCO projects.
Source : wikipedia
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